Another year, another pandemic-assisted successful attempt to watch less than 100 shows. Last year I watched 93 TV shows, and in 2021 I shaved that number down 87 shows watched in full (meaning I saw every episode the show aired in the calendar year). Most people found themselves watching more TV while staying indoors, and here I am passing by in the opposite direction. I might not even be able to consider myself a television freak anymore. Have I developed any sort of personality in place of that identity? My lawyers have advised me to not answer that question.
Maybe part of the reason I watched less was because for a while I thought the television landscape was...pretty lackluster this year, at least until a few bangers came in and saved the day in the 11th hour. Then after some consideration, I realized that my love of the TV drama was skewing my perception, since really it was only a weak year for dramas. Comedy had a good 2021 and it was a great year for anime, so you'll be seeing a larger proportion of both of those groups than usual in this list.
Another trend I noticed is a recession of shows that aired on actual, you know, television. 13 of the 20 shows on my final list were available exclusively on streaming services, a count that I think is higher than ever. FX, which used to be my favorite network, only has a place on this list in the form of its FXX sister channel. This would usually spell bad news, as I've gone on at length about the rise of Netflix and its proliferation of soulless, formless storytelling thanks to its binge-above-all mentality, but thankfully the other streaming services have embraced the weekly release strategy. And believe it or not, their shows benefit from it. Who would've thought that the model that worked for decades is still effective? So the dominance of streaming isn't necessarily a negative trend anymore, just an interesting one.
Okay, you've read enough of me trying to be like John Landgraf at the TCAs. Let's get to the list.
The rules: A couple of years ago I implemented a new rule to help account for streaming seasons that got dropped at the end of the year, and I'll be continuing that this year. So for any show whose entire season drops at once, the eligibility window for this list is if that season dropped between December 11, 2020 and December 10, 2021. This is just so I don't go insane trying to catch up on any shows whose whole seasons dropped at the end of the year, even though there weren't any examples that come to mind this year. Thankfully the rules are simpler for shows that air weekly. For those cases, any episode that aired between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 are considered for this ranking.